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Inflation Reduction Act Savings

Energy Efficient Heaters, AC Systems, & Furnaces in Chattanooga, TN

Upgrade today & save big come tax season. Find a smart AC, furnace, or water heater!
Central AC Systems

Save 30% off the total project cost (up to $600) just by purchasing and installing a better, stronger, smarter AC system today.

Tank & Tankless Water Heater Upgrades

Help your home never run out of hot water and save up to 30% (or $600) on project costs for a water heater upgrade that supports more efficient water heating.

Furnace Installation

Chattanooga Area homeowners can enjoy 30% off the total project cost or $600 back in tax credits just by switching. Tax credits apply to both oil and natural gas furnaces.

Energy-Efficient Heat Pump Installation

Capable of heating and cooling your home, heat pumps save you money and you can get up to $2,000 back in tax credits just by upgrading.

It’s not often that you’re paid for choosing a better product. But with the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, you can upgrade your vital home systems and SAVE BIG come tax season. Homeowners throughout Chattanooga can finally replace struggling AC units, dangerous furnaces, and pitiful water heaters—all while taking a chunk out of their federal income tax burden next year. From now until December 31, 2032, you can receive up to 30% of the total project value back in federal tax credits just for upgrading what already needs replacement.

Open to any principal residence—houses, mobile homes, condos, and manufactured homes—federal tax credits for energy-efficient systems are a win-win for everyone! Extend the lifespan of your systems, add value to your home, and enjoy lower utility bills each month while being compensated for the privilege. Are you ready to take your Chattanooga home into the 21st century? Contact Patriot Services today to find a system and tax credit that works for your property.

Ready For an Upgrade, Chattanooga?
Contact Us!

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Unsure About How Federal Tax Credits Work? Let Us Help.

We know this legislation may potentially be difficult to discern if you are eligible, so please call us today for help and our team will be happy to help you through the process.

Patriot Services Makes The Process Easy

Take advantage of the Inflation Reduction Act HVAC & water heater rebates and start saving money on heating and cooling costs! Here’s a quick way to help you get started:

Do Your Due Diligence

Start by reviewing potential energy-efficient HVAC systems and carriers that meet federal and state regulations. Be sure to search for systems with high energy efficiency ratings.

Get a Quote

We recommend giving us a call to talk through these details. Our team at Patriot Services can help by providing you with a quote for the cost of the system installation.

Installation by Certified Professionals

Certification is required for eligibility. At Patriot Services, all of our technicians are certified HVAC professionals in Tennessee and Georgia. We can assess your home and install the most appropriate system for your needs.

Hand Holding A Coin

Claim Your Rebate(s)

After we install your new system, be sure to follow the rebate application process for the Inflation Reduction Act federal and state programs. File all of your receipts and documentation so that you have that information ready.

Enjoy Your New HVAC System

Now that you have your new energy-efficient HVAC system installed, you can enjoy a more comfortable environment in your home and continue to save on future energy bills.

How Does Energy Efficiency Save You Money?

By working smarter rather than harder, energy-efficient AC systems, furnaces, and water heaters double down on savings. Here’s how getting paid to upgrade helps you.

  • Lower monthly utility bills
  • Improved performance
  • Smart technology integration
  • Extended lifespan
  • Increased property value
  • Attractive tax credits

If your HVAC is system beyond 15 years, or your water heater system is 10 years old or older, now is the perfect time to get the upgrades you need at a price you can afford. Call us today and let us get you started.

(423) 453-3601

Hear from Happy Customers

Master Tax Season & Every Other Season in Chattanooga

Every year, the Inflation Reduction Act tax credit allowances shrink. To save the most, schedule your smart home upgrade TODAY. At Patriot Services, we’ve helped Chattanooga homeowners make smart choices for a quarter century. Now, we’re offering guidance and upgrades to maximize your health, comfort, and wealth! Contact us today and learn which home upgrade is right for your property and your wallet.