100% Satisfaction Guarantee | 24 Hour Emergency Service: 423-498-2619


Cleveland Plumber Patriot Plumbing Cleveland, TNWe would wager you don’t go a single day without using your plumbing. After all, every day, you brush your teeth, wash your dishes, shower up... At the very least, you have to use your home’s toilet.

Because your plumbing is so important for your day-to-day life, you’ll want to be sure to keep those systems running reliably for many years to come. And a great way to do that is to provide them with top-quality maintenance and repair work provided by a reputable plumbing expert. And should you live in or around the Cleveland, Tennessee area, then the expert for you should be none other than the experienced pros at Patriot Services! We have all of the experience and the know-how to keep your plumbing running like brand new for years to come!


Your heating and air conditioning are two things that you’ll use pretty much constantly. After all, here in Tennessee, our weather often lives at one extreme or the other. That is, it’s either disagreeably hot or disagreeably cold. In either case, you’ll want a quality HVAC system to help keep the disagreeable temps out of your home. You can do that with a quality HVAC system, and you can continue to enjoy that system for many years to come with a routine maintenance program provided by Patriot Services.

If you have questions about your plumbing, heating, or cooling in the Cleveland TN area then please call 423-498-2619 or CONTACT US.