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Thermostat Services

Smart Thermostat Replacement & Installation in Chattanooga

Helping Chattanooga heating & cooling systems work smarter, not harder.

We typically don’t think about our thermostats much once we’ve set them. We dial in a temperature, then expect that’s all there is to it. But outdated systems can cause more problems than you might think, from subpar climate control to higher energy bills. With modern technology, you don’t have to constantly switch back and forth between AC and heat in spring and fall or worry about the temperature when you’re out of the house. You can even start banking on lower energy bills!

At Patriot Services, we’re committed to helping Chattanooga homeowners make the most of their heating and cooling systems. You can count on our technicians to recommend the best programmable thermostat for your family’s usage, preferences, and HVAC system requirements. Whether you want just the basics or the most advanced tech available, make your thermostat work for you with help from our trusted team!

Call Chattanooga’s Thermostat Pros

Contact Patriot Services for full-service thermostat replacement and installation in Hamilton County & beyond. Give us a call today!

How Can You Tell if a Thermostat is Bad?

It’s not uncommon for a faulty thermostat to be the cause of your HVAC problems. After all, these small but mighty systems only last about 10-15 years on average, at which point they can develop wiring problems or battery corrosion. Signs it could be time for a thermostat upgrade include:

  • Incorrect temperature readings
  • System runs continuously and won’t turn off
  • System won’t turn on when necessary
  • System frequently stops and starts (short-cycling)
  • Uneven heating and cooling
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How to Replace a Thermostat: When to Call the Pros

Many of today’s smart thermostat manufacturers provide DIY instructions on how to install their systems. Unfortunately, these instructions don’t account for the challenges that homeowners face once they get into the project, like complex wiring updates, HVAC compatibility, and calibration. Here’s when it’s best to call an HVAC professional to install or replace a thermostat:

  • UPGRADING FROM ANALOG TO DIGITAL OR SMART THERMOSTAT: Many analog thermostats aren’t equipped with C wires, which are required to power most new upgrades. An HVAC technician can provide the proper wiring upgrades.
  • UPGRADING AN OLDER SYSTEM: Not all thermostats are compatible with all heating and cooling systems. We highly recommend speaking to an HVAC professional for help finding and choosing the best thermostat for your home!
  • MOVING THE THERMOSTAT TO A MORE IDEAL LOCATION: The best thermostat on the market may still underperform if it isn’t located in the right part of your house. Our techs can evaluate your thermostat’s position and move it to improve performance if desired.
  • PERFECT CALIBRATION OF YOUR SETTINGS: New thermostats have a lot of features and options, and depending on whether you have a forced air, ductless, or heat pump system, you’ll need to configure these settings just right for total comfort.
  • PEACE OF MIND: Safeguard against wiring and setup issues when you trust an expert! We have all the tools and knowledge to set up your new thermostat perfectly.

Why Choose Patriot Services?

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Upfront Pricing

We’ll tell you what it costs beforehand—no hidden fees or surprise charges.

24/7 Emergency Service

We’re ready day and night for HVAC & plumbing emergencies.

Expert Versatility

From AC repair to water filtration systems, we’ve got you covered!

No Mess

We respect your home & commit to leaving it cleaner than we found it.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We’ll stick around until you’re comfortable & happy—whatever it takes.

Manager’s Guarantee

If you have an issue, speak with our General Manager, and he will make it right!

Hear from Happy Customers

Maximize Your Home Comfort. Schedule Service Today!

Want to make sure your home is always at the perfect temperature? Invest in a smart thermostat! The experts at Patriot Services can help you choose the right one and make sure it’s installed correctly.

Members of our HVAC Protection Plan enjoy two annual thermostat tests to help identify potential problems with their heating and cooling systems. Regular maintenance ensures your system is always running smoothly and efficiently. Learn more about our Protection Plans or schedule thermostat service today!