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Duct Repair & Installation

Chattanooga’s Choice for Air Duct Repair & Duct Installation

Improve efficiency & indoor air quality while lowering your bills.

Every homeowner takes an active role in preserving their HVAC system, even if it’s just replacing AC filters every few months. But depending on the age of your home and your HVAC units, you may need to take a few extra steps for the health of your equipment and your family. Like AC compressors, furnaces, and heat pumps, your ductwork won’t last forever. Over the years, temperature swings can warp your ducts, opening seams and raising utility bills. Older ductwork may not be insulated at all, leading to a further loss of energy and a lower lifespan all around.

At Scenic City Heating and AC, we know how to keep your bills low while increasing the lifespan of your vital home systems. Without clean, properly insulated, and properly installed ductwork, you could be losing as much as a third of your treated air. For the health of your finances and your family, air duct repair and expert duct installation are an absolute must. If you’ve noticed energy bills climbing in your older home, or need an expert to ensure your high-efficiency AC unit runs strong, call us today at (423) 453-3601 or contact us online!

Protect Your Investment with Air Duct Repair in Chattanooga!

Even the most modern HVAC units need properly fitting, insulated ductwork to deliver air efficiently. Let us take the strain off your system today!

How Can I Know If My Ducts Need Repair?

Ductwork can last upwards of 20 years, but that’s an optimistic number. At around 15 years, your ductwork has warped, loosened, and lost many of the tight connections your HVAC system needs to work smarter instead of harder. Additionally, if you’ve noticed higher energy bills, drastic differences in temperature from room to room, or that your system is running louder than it used to, these could all be signs that it’s time for duct repair. At Scenic City Heating and AC, we put over 20 years of experience to work on every job we do. For upfront pricing and satisfaction guaranteed, give us a call today!

Lower energy bills & breathe better air.

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Signs Your Ductwork Needs Repair

Even though your ductwork doesn’t have moving parts like the appliances in your HVAC system, they can still be damaged or suffer from age-related wear and tear. But because much of your home’s ductwork is hidden in the attic it can be hard to know when they need to be repaired, if at all. Some common signs your ductwork may need to be repaired can include:

  • HIGHER ENERGY COSTS: Leaking ductwork will result in higher energy costs and is often one of the first signs there may be an issue with a home’s ducts.
  • ODD NOISES: HVAC systems are not necessarily whisper quiet, but if you hear unfamiliar bangs or hisses, it could be a problem with your ductwork.
  • AIR LEAKS: If your house has suddenly become drafty in a way it wasn’t before, that could be a sign of a leak in your ductwork.
  • PESTS: A hole in your ductwork can allow insects and rodents access to areas of your home they normally wouldn’t be able to reach. If you notice a sudden infestation, it may be due to your ducts.
  • INCREASED DUST: Dust or even soot around the vents in your rooms can be signs of a dirty or clogged filter or ductwork. If it seems like your house is always dusty, it could be your ducts.

With our air duct repair services, you can keep your system running in top shape, while also improving the airflow in every room of your home!

Why Choose Patriot Services?

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Upfront Pricing

We’ll tell you what it costs beforehand—no hidden fees or surprise charges.

24/7 Emergency Service

We’re ready day and night for HVAC & plumbing emergencies.

Expert Versatility

From AC repair to water filtration systems, we’ve got you covered!

No Mess

We respect your home & commit to leaving it cleaner than we found it.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We’ll stick around until you’re comfortable & happy—whatever it takes.

Manager’s Guarantee

If you have an issue, speak with our General Manager, and he will make it right!

Signs You Need Air Duct Replacement

Sometimes your air ducts may need to be repaired. But if your house is older, or if you’ve suffered damage from a storm, perhaps, there may be times that your ductwork will need to be replaced. If you’re wondering if your house needs new ducts, the following information may help you:

  • A home older than 50 years may need to have new ducts installed.
  • Aging air ducts can lead to leaks and can increase the chances of problems like asbestos, so if you’ve had to repair them repeatedly, it may be time for a replacement.
  • Air duct cracks may not be easy to repair so sometimes the best and most cost-effective solution may be to replace them.

Hear from Happy Customers

Protect Your Investment & Your Family with Duct Repair

Duct repair and installation are way down on your to-do list, which is why Scenic City Heating and AC is ready to take off your list entirely. Let us ensure efficient operation and lower energy costs so that you can focus on anything else. Contact us today.